Choosing matching colors for a design is one of the most important steps for every design. There are a lot of ways to choose your colors based on color theory, however there are a number of online color tools that can help you create color schemes for your graphic or web design and make your life easier. Here is a list of some of those tools.
EasyRGB: Creates a 12 colors scheme from an RGB value.
Color Blender: Calculates midpoint values between two colors.
Color Schemer: Creates a set of 16 matching colors from an RGB or HEX value.
Palette Master: Creates a 42 colors palette from a base color.
ColorBlender: Creates a set of six matching colors. It also provides the option of saving the “blend” as a Photoshop Color table or as Illustrator colors.
Color Schemes 2: Creates sets of four matching colors using various color schemes techniques (Monochromatic, Contrast, “Soft” contrast / Triade, “Double-contrast” / Tetrade, Analogic colors).
Colour Lovers: Not a color tool but an online community where users share their color palettes.
ColorMatch5k: Creates a 6 color palette from a base color. (Doesn’t seem to work with firefox)
4096 Color Wheel: Helps you find and choose web-smart colors.
Color Palette Generator: Creates a color palette (up to 49 colors) based on an image.
Color Calculator: A handy tool for identifying color harmonies.
Color Toy: A flash tool that creates a nine color scheme from an RGB or a HEX value.
Color Palette: Creates a 10 colors palette from shades of the base color.
Technicolor: Creates a 12 color scheme from a base color.
ColorMixers: A very nice color schemes generator.
ColorMatch Redux: Creates a nine colors scheme that can be exported as a .act (photoshop color table) or .ai (illustrator colors) file. Based on ColorMatch.
I Like your Colors: Type in a URL and “I Like Your Colors” will extract colors the web site uses, complete with hex values.
ColorCombos At color combos you can find color combinations at the library but you can also test a color combination of your own to see how it looks on screen by using the “combo tester” tool.
Colorzilla: Colorzilla is a very nice Colorpicker and Eyedropper firefox extension. (Thanks Kate).
One color tool that I find useful is the ColorZilla extension for Firefox. It’s lets you pick colors and create palettes based on colors you see in your browser, such as on a website. Great for creating web graphics.